Školská 28

Školská 28

The programme of Školská 28 Communication Space has been focused primarily on promoting international cultural dialogue through various forms of multidisciplinary artistic and educational activities.

In the coming years we wish to link up with our previous successful international co-operative projects, while branching out the Communication Space´s scope of action to other continents. The current programme still targets predominantly artists in Europe. Benefiting by our location in the very centre of Europe, we aspire to turn Školská Communication Space to a point of intersection between the East and West, thereby setting up in Prague a relevant art centre laying particular emphasis on cultural dialogue. During the initial stage of this endeavour, our principal focus will be on the Far East, including notably China, Tibet and India. The various activities will be hosted at Školská under the heading of the Linhart Foundation´s long-term project, Tibet Open House.

The aim of this new concept is to become a communication centre for cultural exchange and a mediator in a creative dialogue by way of art between different cultures, an inspiring meeting point for the general public and professionals.


Tibet Open House Project, 2017 – 2021

Tibet Open House is an ongoing long-term project run by the Linhart Foundation, encompassing a wide scope of activities located in Asia (India, Vietnam) and in the Czech Republic. From 2017 onward Školská Communication Space will be hosting a series of lectures, exhibitions and spiritual programmes oriented towards the encouragement of cultural exchange. As from February the centre will be headed by a Linhart Foundation fellowship holder, Geshe Yeshi Gawa, a Tibetan by birth and the former biographer of H.H. the Dalai Lama, who will be giving lectures in the culture and history of Tibet, the Tibetan language, and Buddhist philosophy.

The programme of Školská 28 Communication Space is implemented with the active participation of the general public. Its cornerstone has been from its inception the idea of creating an open space for dialogue involving members of the Czech and international art communities on the one hand, and the Prague public, general and expert alike, on the other. To multiply the impact of this pursuit we have been continuously introducing new forms of activity which are instrumental in the implementation of our regular programme, broadening the ranks of our public and building up a core community of stable visitors.