Summer Weekend Retreat / GOMPA VŠENORY

Summer Weekend Retreat / GOMPA VŠENORY

2. 8. v 17:00 – 4. 8. ve 14:00

Srdečně Vás zveme na letní víkendový retreat Tibet Open House v našem retreatovém centru ve Všenorech, 30 minut od Prahy. Učení bude probíhat v angličtině s rezidenčním lámou TOH – Geshe Yeshi Gawou. Registrujte se prosím nejpozději do 25. 7.

We cordially invite you for Tibet Open House Summer Weekend Retreat. Title: Buddha Shakyamuni weekend retreat on Buddha’s first teaching day (Chökhor Düchen)
Date: 2-4 August, 2019
Venue: Gompa Všenory – Retreat Center of Tibet Open House, the countryside of Prague; V chaloupkách 75, Všenory
Teacher: Geshe Yeshi Gawa, Residential Lama of Tibet Open House

Retreat Includes: teaching, meditation, chanting, mindful walk in nature (forest and riverside), and open discussion

Capacity: minimum 7 people, maximum 10. Deadline of registration: 25 July, 2019 at

Price: Food and Accommodation (from Friday dinner till Sunday Lunch, 2 nights in the own sleeping bags – women inside the house, men outside in the teepee or the own tent):
Food 350,-/day x 2
Sleeping 150,-/night x 2
Total CZK 1,000
Voluntary donation for the teaching.

Please register here:

Friday 2 August:
5-6pm Arrival (we can pick you up at the Všenory train station at 17:00 and 17:50, please let us know if you need it)
5-6.30pm Accommodation – check-in
6.30-7pm Welcome and introduction session
7-8pm Dinner
8-8.30pm Evening meditation
10pm – Recommended bedtime for Guest to maintain silence until morning wake up call

Saturday 3 August:
7-8am Morning meditation
8-8.30am Prostration practice
8.30-9.30 Breakfast
9.30-11 Teaching and practice on Buddha Shakyamuni
11.30am-12.30pm Chanting session
1pm-2pm Lunch
2-4pm Mindful walk in the nature
4-4.30pm Tee and refreshment
4.30-6.00pm Teaching and Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra Session
6.30-7.30pm Open discussion
7.30-8.30pm Dinner
8.30-9pm Evening meditation
10pm – Recommended bedtime Guest to maintain silence until morning wake up call

Sunday 4 August – Buddha’s First Teaching Day
7-8am Mindfulness meditation
8-8.30am Prostration practice
8.30-9.30am Breakfast
9.30-11am Chanting and Teaching on Buddha Shakyamuni’s Twelve deeds
11.30am-12.30 pm Feedback session
1pm Lunch and Check-out

Please register here: We are looking forward to seeing you.